Mmmmhhmmmmm. CAB Burgos

Maria Loboda
CAB Burgos
Press release

Acoustic production such as onomatopoeia and non discursive speech, that act as figures of speech andhidden messages, are the structure of the project Maria Loboda brings to the CAB. It is an exhibition thatfocuses on some of her main concerns: semantics and free association between different resources andways of phonetic imitation.

The title chosen for this exhibition,Mmmmhhmmmmm,is the linguistic expression used by humans to expressthought and incredulity.

Maria Loboda (Cracow, Poland, 1979) transforms these ‘linguistic crossroads’, such as bites onomatopoeia,silence, and kisses into letter-shaped grid patterns. They become the supportive structure for an apparentlycommon object.

One of the works,The sentence in its temporary form as bathrobes and oysters, is illustrating the possibilities ofdeciphering and therefore cultivating human language. In this case the precursor of the binary computercode. Using the logical structure 0 1 of Bacons code – which shows that one can signify anything withanything and I can be whatever object I’ve chosen a a simple oyster and a bathrobe. This inamimate objectcan suddenly embed a sentence – a message well hidden until one has key to read it.

Maria Loboda is now one of the best known international artists. Being a multi-disciplinary artist shecombines photography, illustration, objects, audio, movie and words. Her artistic world is based on signswhose meanings she tries to reveal. The symbolic, spiritual and mystic meaning concealed by the physicalappearance of objects, behind their material and rational essence, is the axis of her work.

Maria Loboda, Mmmmhhmmmmm. Exhibition view, Cab Burgos Spain, 2016
Maria Loboda, Mmmmhhmmmmm. Exhibition view, Cab Burgos Spain, 2016
Maria Loboda, Mmmmhhmmmmm. Exhibition view, Cab Burgos Spain, 2016
Maria Loboda, Mmmmhhmmmmm. Exhibition view, Cab Burgos Spain, 2016
Maria Loboda, boomboomdaboom, 2016, glass, iron and objects. Mmmmhhmmmmm. Exhibition view, Cab Burgos Spain, 2016
Maria Loboda, boomboomdaboom, 2016, glass, iron and objects. Mmmmhhmmmmm. Exhibition view, Cab Burgos Spain, 2016